Learn more of Guam’s locally owned swimwear, Chamorrita Swimwear in our July/August issue: SWIMSUIT
Category: eleventh issue
Are you excited to learn more about boscoapparel? You should. Check them our in our July/August issue: SWIMSUIT
Are you ready for Canada’s Bikini Empire? We are. Learn more in our July/August issue: SWIMSUIT
We are happy to feature Tyler Wilson from the band, Forever War, in our pages. You want to know what better way to learn more of Tyler Wilson? Get more of Tyler Wilson in our July/August issue:
We are proud to announce the release of our 1 Year Anniversary and Summer Issue (July/August Issue): “SWIMSUIT”. We have grew tremendously since our first issue, we will like to thank all our contributors with your continuous support. Because of your support and belief in us, we are gaining strength and knowledge through our platform. Through this platform, C’est Moi Magazine has allowed us to reach a massive audience that we normally would never be a part of in our everyday life. We are allowed to come into a world of different creative talents, whom in themselves have different ideas and magic. You are all magic and to allow us to come into that world is a great honour. We Thank You.
With this growth, we like to be truly be on your coffee tables, in your shelves, on your office desks, in your classrooms, and much more but we will need your help. We will be placing a link in the coming days to help us get C’est Moi Magazine truly out there. To learn and listen is to grow. We have heard and we are listening.
Here is our July/August Issue (eleventh issue) of C’est Moi Magazine: SWIMSUIT
Here is our preview: SWIMSUIT PREVIEW
Follow us and like our FACEBOOK , TWITTER , and INSTAGRAM to stay in the know. Submission deadline for “MIDNIGHT” and “WONDERLAND” is September 29, 2015. Hurry and submit to cestmoimagazine@gmail.com. Submission guidelines available here .
Assiociate Stylist: Greg Evangelista //
Makeup & Hair: MJ Bornales and Jeff de Guzman //
Models: Viktoria Bohusova and Dryka Kiister
Dasha Denger
Sabine RoschPhotography